4 Ways To Get The Inside Scoop Before Deciding On The Job Offer

It’s important that job seekers do some investigating prior to deciding on the job offer. A lot of time is wasted when a wrong decision is made and you later come to realize it’s not really the job for you.

4 Ways To Get The Inside Scoop Before Deciding On The Job Offer

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It’s important that job seekers do some investigating prior to deciding on the job offer. A lot of time is wasted when a wrong decision is made and you later come to realize it’s not really the job for you.

Part of the work in getting to know the employer should already be done by the time you apply for the job. It would make sense to research the employer and know what they’re all about before deciding to apply. The other part of the research comes at the time of the interview.

Here are things you can do to help get the inside scoop on the company:

1. Prepare to ask questions at the job interview.

The job interview is as much about the employer getting to know you as it is you getting to know the employer and what the job entails. Ask questions that will help you understand what type of qualities are needed to thrive in the workplace, what type of work-life balance the job offers, how colleagues work with one another, and other specifics like who you’ll report to and any major challenges on the job. For more tips on questions to ask at the job interview, read: “Ace The Interview By Asking The Right Questions.”

2. Make note of things while interviewing.

Just looking and listening while you’re at the workplace can offer a great deal of information. Look at how employees work – do they look happy? You can also look at communications from HR to get a sense of how organized and responsive people are within the organization. Do they follow-up and touch base like they say they would? This can all provide important insight.

3. Talk to others employed there.

Many employers will go through more than one round of interviewing before extending a job offer, so there’s a good chance you’ll meet with the person you directly report to and possibly peers on the job. If that doesn’t happen, it’s fair to request to speak with them when the job offer does come in and you have to evaluate the package.

4. Check your network of contacts.

Your network of contacts can lead to eye-opening information on the employer. See who you may know who’s a current or former employee of the employer and ask for insight on their experience working there. You can also get insight to the application and interview process to help understand what lies ahead. Another good source to this type of information is recruiters. They often times get direct insider information from the employer and job candidates who’ve interviewed there.

Receiving a job offer is exciting news, but you still have to carefully evaluate the option and know what you’ll be getting yourself into. These tips above can help you through it!


Don Goodman

About the author

Don Goodman’s firm was rated as the #1 Resume Writing Service in 2013, 2014, and 2015. Don is a triple-certified, nationally recognized Expert Resume Writer, Career Management Coach and Job Search Strategist who has helped thousands of people secure their next job. Check out his Resume Writing Service. Get a Free Resume Evaluation or call him at 800.909.0109 for more information.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock


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