5 Secrets To An Amazing Interview Presentation

In addition to increasingly thorough interview processes, many employers have started to request a final interview presentation from prospective candidates.

5 Secrets To An Amazing Interview Presentation

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Let’s face it – landing a great job gets harder every day. As industries evolve, so do the qualifications and standards used by employers to determine the best fit for their company. In addition to increasingly thorough interview processes, many employers have started to request a final interview presentation from prospective candidates. This is especially true of positions that are client-facing, require leadership or deal with the public.

For some job seekers, the idea of a presentation can be extremely intimidating: all of the fears of public speaking combine with the high stakes of a job interview to create the ultimate make-or-break experience. Others, however, are using the interview presentation as a way to highlight their skills, abilities, and experiences – and ultimately to outshine their competitors.

5 Secrets To An Amazing Interview Presentation

If you find yourself faced with an interview presentation, you can feel confident knowing that you’re one step away from landing the job. But you must also remember that acing your presentation is a must. Here are five ways to ensure that you’ll create an amazing interview presentation:

1. Do Your Homework

At this point, if you don’t already have an impressive knowledge of the company, it’s time to do some research. Of course, there are basic facts that you must know, like how long the company has been in business, and the name of the CEO. But there are also some other facts that could help impress your interviewer:

Has the company won any industry awards? Do they have a great BBB rating? Are They ISO Certified? Are there any impressive statistics about their product or service?

Highlighting some of these points will not only show that you have done your research, but that you understand the company and have a genuine interest in working there. Furthermore, it also provides a nice segue for you to talk about your success without sounding too boastful.

2. Provide A Timeline For Success

Hiring a new employee is a significant investment, especially if the position is beyond entry-level. If the interviewer hasn’t already requested a 30-60-90 plan, including one in your presentation will show you’re thinking beyond the interview and want to help them recoup their investment. This technique also has psychological benefits: it will cause your interviewer to repeatedly envision you working in the position, interacting with the team and performing in the environment. The easier you make it for an employer to imagine you in the position, the better your chances of securing the job.

3. Use Visual Reinforcement

Just as it is important for your interviewer to envision you in the position, it’s also important to reflect the company image and culture. One way to do this is to create a visual aid that mirrors the company image. Does the company have a strong web presence? Create a PowerPoint or other visual aid that uses some design aspects of their website such as:

Color scheme Page layout Company logo

In addition to highlighting your attention to detail, this will also create a mental association between you as a candidate and the company as a whole.

4. Include Employer Testimonials

This is especially helpful when interviewing for smaller businesses. In these situations, hiring an employee is like making an incredibly expensive purchase. As with any high-ticket item, the more something costs, the more a customer wants assurance before they buy. Of course your employer will check your references, but including a testimonial from a former employer during your presentation shows that you’re proactive and transparent with regard to your work history.

5. Finish Strong

Just as with public speaking, one common fault of interview presentations is that they start off great, but lose confidence toward the end. This is your opportunity to tie the knot on the position, so show your employer why you’re a great fit – use language like we, us, and our to reinforce your integration into the company.

If you’ve created a solid presentation, then you’ve probably made a great case for your candidacy, so just restate your core strengths and open the floor for questions. Focusing on your strengths will keep the interviewer thinking positive, and as a result, their questions will likely give you even more of a chance to shine.

With a great presentation, you can take something typically nerve-wracking, use it to build your confidence, and (most importantly) make it fun! Of course, a great presentation can easily be ruined by neglecting the delivery, so make sure you rehearse in a mirror to pick out moments where you stumble – but overall, having the best possible presentation is a huge step in helping you walk into your final interview with peace of mind, and walk out with a job.


Photo Credit: Shutterstock


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